Nachtdigital film tours Germany

  • Condividi
  • Escape To Olganitz will hit six cities in between now and February.
  • Nachtdigital film tours Germany image
  • Escape To Olganitz, a documentary about Cavertitz's Nachtigital festival, will be screened in six German locations in the coming months. The film premiered in the lead-up to this year's event (which was reviewed by Will Lynch). It tells Nachtdigital's unique story in the form of interviews with its core organisers and artists. Three screenings are scheduled for November, taking place in Trier and Nürnberg on the 8th, and at Hamburg's Golden Pudel on the 23rd. Next year, screenings will go down in Leipzig on January 24th, Dresden on January 30th and ://about blank in Berlin on February 7th. Each night begins with a film viewing, immediately followed by a party soundtracked by Nachtigital-associated DJs like Steffen Bennemann, Elisabeth and Barnt. You can see a trailer for the Escape To Olganitz below.