Ajax’s jacket lost at Greenwood

  • Pubblicati
    Wed, Jun 16, 2004, 09:18
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    Resident Advisor
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  • Ajax’s jacket lost at Greenwood image
  • Its not just us punters who seem to leave parties with less than when we arrived. Popular Sydney star Ajax has had his jacket go missing at Sounds On Sunday’s 5th Birthday. The black tuxedo, with scull & cross bones badge, also contained his hot pink Nokia phone, wallet and Voltswagen Golf car keys (electronic keys). It was last seen under the DJ booth in the cocktail bar and it is assumed the jacket was taken accidentally when confused for someone else’s. Of most importance are Ajax’s car keys and if returned, even without the wallet and phone, no questions will be asked and a reward will be provided. Please email [email protected] if you have any information or send a package to Ajax’s lost gear Sounds Group, 63-71 Balfour St, Chippendale 2008