Leeds club Mint Warehouse launches music tuition project

  • Condividi
  • Residents Bobby O'Donnell and Annie Errez are leading the sessions.
  • Leeds club Mint Warehouse launches music tuition project image
  • Leeds club Mint Warehouse is starting DJ and production courses. On Saturday, March 6th, the long-running venue will launch a series of online courses, consisting of Ableton tuition, DJ lessons and general mentoring, both one-to-one and in groups. Each course includes four hours of classes in addition to two 90-minute, personal lessons. The courses cost £150, but spaces will be reserved for those who cannot afford the fee. Bobby O'Donnell and Annie Errez, who have been Mint residents for over 14 years, will lead the project under the name Apparatus Music. Though the courses are online only for now, workshops at the Mint Warehouse are also planned for when Covid-19 regulations allow. Errez says the classes will be "a great opportunity to make good use of the space and facilities while it's currently out of action for regular events."