Spiking campaigner launches UK petition following wave of injections in nightclubs

  • Condividi
  • The petition asks for an "urgent" government review into drink spiking.
  • Spiking campaigner launches UK petition following wave of injections in nightclubs image
  • A Change.org petition has been launched asking for an "urgent" review into drink spiking in the UK. Created by Mair Howells, the founder of digital support platform I've Been Spiked, the petition comes after Howells became aware of a drastic increase in spiking cases since lockdown. Recent reports suggest that a new, sinister method of spiking, where the perpetrator injects the victim in the back, is becoming more prevalent. But, as Howells points out, despite spiking being a criminal offence, police won't investigate incidents unless the victim can provide a blood test. This means that many go unreported. As well as running I've Been Spiked, Howells is also providing venues with posters to raise awareness and decrease the risk of spiking. If you've been a victim in the past and wish to share your story with I've Been Spiked, you can do so here. This guide from The Face explains how to offer assistance to someone if you fear they've been spiked. Sign the petition here, and read a recent Instagram post about incidents of spiking by injection in Edinburgh.