Ilian Tape unveils prints of label artwork, painted by Bettina Zenker

  • Condividi
  • Available now, the 36 designs were originally canvas oil paintings.
  • Ilian Tape unveils prints of label artwork, painted by Bettina Zenker image
  • Ilian Tape is selling prints of its label artwork. All of the 36 designs, which are available now via the Munich outlet's official site, were originally canvas oil paintings by Bettina Zenker, mother of label founders Dario and Marco, AKA Zenker Brothers. "Since catalogue number IT020, our mum Bettina Zenker has been painting the artworks for most singles and some albums too," the brothers posted on Instagram. "Her beautiful oil paintings on canvas give the label a stronger identity and we are grateful and happy that she is part of the label." Ilian Tape has enjoyed a prolific 2022, releasing music from re:ni, Jake Muir and Forest Drive West, among others. Next month, the label will host showcases in Manchester and London to celebrate its 15th anniversary. Browse the full range of prints.